Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I Could Never Love A Man In Tights

*This is something I wrote a little while ago...I WILL finish my LOTR story, but life has swallowed my time....*

“I’m saving this kiss for the Prince of my heart!”

How many times have we ladies sung that? Even if you weren’t a part of PKSS or The Battle for the Heart, your thoughts have sung that line. My guess is that at the word prince, a picture of a handsome, romantic, richly dressed figure pops into your mind. For me, the idea of a prince makes my mind instantly jump to the bumbling Edward in Enchanted. You know the type: always smiling, hair set perfectly in place, completely rich and yet somehow never spoiled, pining away for the girl of his dreams. In short, I see a fairytale prince this way: Prince Plastic the
Loaded, the helpless romantic in tights.

Now, don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about the ‘Saving this Kiss’ song. I think that song portrays perfectly what a girl should be thinking when it comes to relationships. But personally, I just never loved the whole Prince Charming idea. Perhaps a certain maiden with hair so long it could be used as a ladder ruined that for me. Sword Fighter ≠ Damsel in Distress…the thought of leaning out of some window in a high tower, waving a hanky and wailing “SAVE ME!” at the top of my lungs, hoping that Prince Plastic would come to my rescue never appealed to me. But that’s just me.

I prefer the idea of the Knight in Shining Armor. Sure, he’s sweaty. He’s dirty. He probably smells like horse, and he can’t sing “I’ve been dreaming of a true love’s kiss” like an actor in a Broadway musical. But that’s the man for me, and I’ll tell you why.
When you think of a knight, what first comes to mind? Probably a guy sitting atop a white charger in full armor, with a sword that never leaves his side. He’s most likely not the richest man in the village or township. In fact, he’s probably a farm-boy who’s been given a chance to make something of himself through a lifetime of service to King and Country. His years will be spent in and out of fighting. He will often come back wounded and beaten. But to me, he trumps the Prince ten to one.

Think about the characteristics of a knight.

First off, ponder the horse. It would be a shabby knight indeed if he rode up on an old sway-backed thing, its mane and tail all matted, mud and dirt caking it’s sides to such an extent that you couldn’t tell what color it originally was. That would be laughable! The strong, beautiful charger our minds picture displays a high level of responsibility. The Knight in Shining Armor is used to caring for other things. He makes sure that his steed is fed and cleaned and groomed.

Horse = Responsible, Caring.

Next comes the armor. When we think of the classic knight, we’re thinking full body armor. This guy is not going down in a battle because of exposure. The Knight in ‘Shining Armor’ has guarded himself from everything the world dishes out: arrows of impurity, spears of temptation, etc. Having said that, even the best suits of armor have weak points. That’s why the true Knight will be vigilant in the fray and flee the ‘spears and arrows’, not out of cowardice, but out of the knowledge of his weaknesses. The foolish knight will say, “I am strong enough to face these!” and rush headlong into the barrage. By the time he has realized his folly, it is too late and he limps away, riddled with the darts of the enemy. Sir Foolish is then scarred for life, and because of this, his personal effectiveness in future battles is limited…although through passing on his knowledge to other knights, he may save them from harm. The Knight in Shining Armor will have guarded himself so well that his scars are small or non-existent.

Armor = Pure, Regretless, Unsoiled Testimony.

Now comes my favorite part: the sword! No knight is a knight without a sword. Also, you never see a true Knight without his sword. He is constantly swinging it, keeping himself in practice so that if ever attacked, he won’t be caught off guard. The Knight in Shining Armor is the same, only his sword is not made of steel. He wields The Sword. He knows It up and down, and uses It so much that It becomes an extension of him. He carries the knowledge of his Sword with him always, and is not afraid to use It.

Sword = Devotion to God’s Word.

What is a knight’s duty? To serve the King and people. It is to be the strong example of stability and chivalry to the ones around him. ‘Nuff said.

Duty = Serve God, Serve Others, Be an Example of Righteousness

The life of a true Knight is constant battle. He knows and has accepted this fate with a heart full of trust in the King, and defiance for the enemy. When he rides into battle, the enemy ranks are filled with both hate and fear. His name is known to them, and because of his great deeds and his renown, they wish to strike him down. The Knight in Shining Armor is well trained, well armed, and well protected. But sometimes, even the best of fighters are overpowered. A true Knight will call to his fellow Knights for aid when the odds turn against him.

Fellow Knights = Humility, Accountability

So, to me, a Knight in Shining Armor is a man of character, of principle, and of God…one who is willing to devote his life to his King, one who will stand and fight when necessary and one who is not afraid to do the right thing by fleeing as well. To me, the grimy, sweaty Knight that may or may not rise to fame and fortune is MUCH more worthy than a Prince who sits on his backside all day, devoted to himself and his pleasures. Now, granted, not all Princes are like that. Some have the luxury of a God-fearing King and Queen that have guided him in the ways of chivalry. But for me, I want a Knight in Shining Armor, one who will be responsible, caring, pure, and will have no regret from a soiled testimony. I want a Knight who is devoted to God’s Word, one who willingly serves God and others, and is an example of righteousness. I want a Knight who is humble and who accepts and desires accountability. That’s the man for me. That is my Knight in Shining Armor. And that is why I could never love a man in tights. ;D